Tuesday, November 20, 2012

UPDATE! Its been a while...

I havent posted a blog in a very long time, sorry.
Things that have happened in the last year:
I am expecting a baby girl anytime now.
I have started receiving SSI.
I havent had a horrible excaperation

The baby: I am due any day now with my first (and only) child.
I can't wait to meet her, her name is going to be Laila Alexanderia
I am engaged to the love of my life and father of my child, Jake.

The hardest part of being pregnant is being in pain caused by ms and now being able to fix it. no meds.

Good news though, i havent had to take one single shot since finding out i was pregnant...

I got my SSI. After almost two years and being denied 2 times, i finally had a court date and an awesome lawyer and I quallify now.

Just a short update. Maybe more tomorrow. Right now I am going to go to bed.

Take Care