Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happily ever after.

Yesterday ( Feb. 6th 2012) was my one year since diagnosis.
I think in the past year, ive learned alot about myself and others and ive changed more in 365 days than i think i have in 21 years.

Ive learned who is truely my friend, what it means to be in a relationship, weather its a friendship or more and ive changed my perspective on people.
I dont judge as hard, because I dont want to be judged.
I have learned how to open up to people more, and to sit back and listen when other need it because i need it alot more now too.

Ive learned that you dont have to be 98 to be in pain 24/7
ive learned that a disease dont define you.
and ive learned to be more open to possibilities.

for 20 years i was a closed minded know it all snot, and i thought that a bad hair day was the end of the world.

but on feb. 6th 2011 my entire life changed so drastically that 20 year old kid came to a hard relization, and learned that there is more important things in life than boys, hair, and what it was i was going to do on friday night.

Even though 2011 was the worst year for me so far, i have learned alot about myself and others, and maybe i can look at this as a blessing in disguise.

So to everyone who reads these, thanks for listening to me complain and be happy and all my crazy time and mood swings..


Stay thirsty everyone


Looking back at these brings tears to my eyes. I can see how much i have grown up and it really is hard to read about your own feelings about something you can't change and it never going away.
Even in the months its been since ive updated this, ive changed and grown up more.